
Wednesday, September 14, 2011



I finally wore real clothes today, instead of scrubs. It was "Student Appreciation Day" so they let us dress down and eat BBQ. (Actually, it turned out to be hot dogs, which was disappointing.) Since I wasn't coming home only to slip into my nightie, I thought I should document the occasion. If I did real OOTDs everyday, you'd get to see my wide range of lounging nighties. And it would get boring pretty quick talking about them, although it could boost my traffic.

I look cranky above, despite my classic comfort threads, because I'm surfing the red tide. I love that euphemism. If you say that where I live (where surfing is a perk), you'd be asked why anyone would surf during the red tide. Red tide is also an algae bloom we get around here. I like the fact that our blooms can be deadly, as I think it is quite fitting to my mood during my red tide. That is a nerdy way to describe my period. I apologize.

As for the outfit, I was feeling laid back, and think I portrayed a decent air of chillaxness. Since the A/C is always so cold, I grabbed a decent weight jacket from Ecote to top off the basic tank and jeans. Adding some personality into the outfit with the bold necklace. I love ethnic or costume-ish jewelry.

Also, I got my hair styled! Back to the long shag with bangs. I love how it looks on me. Maybe this time, I'll keep my hair as is!



{Thank goodness for tampons!}

Tank: Forever 21
Jeans: 7 For All Mankind
Jacket: Ecote
Shoes: Converse
Necklace: Forever 21

Happy Hump-A-Hump Day!

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