Dear H,
I love you. So very, very much. You are my number one dude. <3
Dear lychee frozen yogurt,
You're delicious, and a great decompressing ritual.
Let's do lunch again.
Dear paperwork,
Seriously think I'm getting carpal tunnel. Any suggestions?
... Any that don't involve, "Suck it up, Sugar Tits"?
Dear 2 AM,
Nothing personal, but I don't like showering with you. If we were sleeping together, that'd be different. But we're not.
Dear bed,
I promise to spend quality time with you soon. This won't last forever.
Dear tea kettle & instant coffee,
You are life savers.
Dear daily organizer,
Holy shit, I'd be lost without you.
Dear nursing school,
You are difficult, challenging, heartbreaking, and frustrating. But you've also introduced me to some wonderful people, and given me the confidence in taking charge of my future that had been missing. You are the best choice I've made in years.
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