I love shitty movies.
Especially in an MST3K format.
And they are even better drunk.
There are only two movies I ever walked out on (or turned off). The
first was A Clockwork Orange, and that was totally for a booty call.
Sex > Kubrick. (Sorry Kubrick fans!)
The other was Paul Blart: Mall Cop. I was up at the Avenues,
drunk from my martini dinner, looking for a way to kill a couple hours.
Now, I love Kevin James. One of my boyfriends in high school kind of
looked like Kevin James. Despite my dislike of Will Smith, I went to see
Hitch solely for Kevin James.
Anyways, I needed to sober up, so I bought a ticket and popcorn, and
settled in. The movie was so terrible, I didn't last until halfway.
Shit, I didn't even make it until the first twenty minutes.
I still have no idea what the hell happens.
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