On Thursday, I finished the first week of classes. It is exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. This is the beginning of my professional life, and the change from free-form college courses to private university structure is something else. I only developed my taste for fashion at eighteen, so to be told I cannot wear jewelry, nail polish, perfume, or have styled hair is a strange jolt back to my tomboy days.
Obviously, there is a reason for the strict dress code: clinicals. When you are scheduled to work the psych or dementia rounds, you don't want to set off the clients; be it a smell, color, or easily accessable weapon. I'm not saying that all our rounds will be spent getting attacked by clients, but we strive to reduce that likelihood and keep the clients feeling as unthreatened as possible. However, since clinicals aren't until the beginning of February, there is plenty of time to adjust.
I've been looking at nail painting tutorials, posts, and even downloaded a virtual nail salon app on my phone, just to satisfy my need for pretty nails.
In the end, strict dress rules are so worth it.
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