
Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Just a warning, this post will be some of the wordiest I will get on here.

I've broken my resolution to post on here daily. Hell, holidays are busy enough, I should've remembered the likelihood of being able to stick to a writing schedule would be shot to bits. Add some various medical issues (mine and family members) as well as a healthy dose of bad news with a side order of amazing news, and it's been a crazy crazy couple weeks.

It was a lousy time for me to hit this slide, since my one year anniversary is coming up! I can't believe it's been a year. Technically, I started it back in October of 2007, but did frequent updates starting this past year. I'll get into that more on the actual anniversary. I'm sure that's what you'd like to see. Oh yeah.

Anyways, I'm back, because I could use the happy distraction that fashion and silly blogging offers. Not only from the bad, but the exciting and terrifying. Although when I get back into the nursing program at university, I'll be wearing a whole lot of scrubs. OH GOD WHY AM I DOING THIS PANIC. (Every semester, I'm convinced I'm going to fail spectacularly, and so far haven't. Oh fear, you so illogical.)

Yes, I am a well of optimism.

As I've gone through this little blogging adventure, I've found many areas I've grown, and some areas that I still need to work on. It's not just defining my personal style, or opinions on trends, or evolving fashion. It's a bit of what is at my heart, what dreams and aspirations are long dead and which are still viable. Which attitudes need to be discarded, placed in my past and changed for my future.What is to be left behind and what needs to be nurtured. I can't party all night, or be careless and stupid with my life choices. I can't be reckless. I'm going to be an aunt. I'm going to be a nurse. I'm going to be an adult with a career and all the attendant responsibilities. To grow. Beholden to my future life choices.

I want to be a good aunt. I want to be a role model for the shrimp. Be someone who they look up to and admire. Someone who takes them on cool and weird excursions that other kids don't get to do. To be cool, silly aunt Ari. Embarrassingly, it's the newest addition to the clan that's making the changes I've been holding back on come to light.

That's enough soul baring for tonight. Got to leave us with SOME mystery after all, right?

Instead, here's another OOTD I threw together yesterday.

Top: Forever 21 fitted basic tee
Skirt: Forever 21
Sweater: Alloy in Pumpkin Spice
Jacket: Forever 21 (the warmest coat I own! It was 32 out when I took these snaps! There were icicles I had to scrape off my car. That doesn't happen often here, okay?)
Belt: Forever 21 in Taupe
Gloves: (not pictured) Portolando (GILT find)
Socks: Forever 21
Boots: Rocket Dogs
Headband: Sally's
Necklace: Forever 21
Earrings: Forever 21
Hair: Washed and left to air dry under headband

It was a horrible decision, wearing a skirt in freeze temperatures.

Hope you all stay warm, and snuggle up to your special one!

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